Family Support Worker

Parenting isn’t an easy job and at times things can get tough – homework can seem daunting, finances are often stretched to the limit and problem behaviour can be really upsetting and challenging. I am here to help you deal with any worries or concerns you may have. If I cannot help you, then I can refer you to someone who can.

I am available at West Earlham Infant and Nursery School Monday to Friday from 09.15. I run a ‘drop-in’ service if you have any quick queries or if you prefer you can make an appointment to see me for a longer chat. If you have an urgent worry, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below during school hours.

To contact Siobhan for help, advice or support:

Phone: 01603 451299


Check here for information on courses, events and support.

Courses for Parents

We run a range of courses for parents, such as the Solihull approach to parenting, mathematics and literacy. Please see Siobhan Ashwell our family support worker for more details or if you wish to enrol.

Supporting learning

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Click on this link to watch a short film that will help you to support your child with their reading and blending sounds

Learn Well Live Well

Contact Us.

Head Teacher: Jade Hunter

West Earlham Infant & Nursery School
Scarnell Road, Norwich, NR5 8HT