
We encourage all our children to take pride in their appearance, and wearing the correct uniform is a great way to start.

The school colours are:

  • Royal Blue and white on top
  • Black/dark grey on bottoms

Items of uniform displaying the school logo can be ordered from myclothing.com. While we prefer children to wear a uniform with our logo on, we do permit children to wear plain sweatshirts/T-shirts or Polo Shirts as long as they are the correct colour.

Uniforms are as follows:

  • Plain Royal Blue sweatshirt or cardigan
  • Plain White or Royal Blue polo shirt or T-shirt
  • Plain black/dark grey trousers, leggings, shorts, skirt, or pinafore dress.
  • Summer dress in pale blue check
  • Flat Black shoes or trainers that children can do up on their own



  • One pair of stud earrings – no other piercings are acceptable.
  • Pupils are not permitted to wear any other jewellery in the school grounds, due to health and safety risks.


  • The school reserves the right to make a judgement on where pupils’ hairstyles or hair colours are inappropriate for the school environment; however, will ensure that any such judgements do not discriminate against any pupil by virtue of their protected characteristics.
  • Each individual pupil’s scenario will be taken into account where any judgements on appropriateness are to be made.
  • Pupils with long hair must tie their hair back so as not to impede their vision, cover their face or provide a health and safety risk.
  • Bandana style headbands and flowers/bows or excessive hair accessories are not to be worn; however, plain hair clips or bands are acceptable.

Make up

  • The school does not consider make-up appropriate and pupils are not permitted to wear any such products; however, there may be exceptions in extreme circumstances, at the
    headteacher’s discretion (i.e. a pupil may be permitted to cover heavy scarring/skin damage).

All clothing and footwear should be clearly labelled with the pupil’s name.


School Uniform Policy:

Uniform Policy May 2022 (to be reviewed (May 2025)


Frequently asked questions:

What will happen if my child doesn’t come to school in the right uniform?

For children who come to school in inappropriate school uniform the school will operate a daily loan system. This will be handled sensitively.

What about if my child has a religious reason that requires a specific dress code that is not covered in the school uniform policy?

Some religions and beliefs require their members to conform to a specific dress code. We do not discriminate against any religion or belief; however, the school must weigh the needs and rights of individual pupils against the cohesion and health and safety concerns of the entire school community. The school endeavours to allow most religious requirements to be met.

What can I do if I am struggling to afford to buy uniform?

Following feedback from families we have amended our uniform policy to enable families to purchase school uniform without logos which we are aware can be cheaper. Families may be able to seek a grant from the Anguish Educational Foundation to support them in the purchase of school uniform. We will accept at school the vouchers that you would receive if successful, please see the office to redeem these if you are successful.

Anguish Educational Foundation



Learn Well Live Well

Contact Us.

Head Teacher: Jade Hunter

West Earlham Infant & Nursery School
Scarnell Road, Norwich, NR5 8HT