Curriculum Information


Phonics and Reading

Our school teaches phonics and reading using the Read Write Inc; a whole-school literacy programme. Further details can be found on the Read Write Inc website.

Information for families:

We are delighted to have been awarded the 2018 - 2019 Ruth Miskin Training Accreditation Badge

Please click the link below for more information:

Click here for our latest English policy


Our school teaches children handwriting primarily through Read Write Inc , using the programme's handwriting phrases and picture card mnemonics.


Maths at West Earlham Infant and Nursery School covers the three main areas of the National Curriculum (fluency, problem solving and reasoning). We follow the White Rose Maths Hub for our long term planning to ensure all of these areas are covered, and teach through a mastery lens.

Click here for our latest Maths policy


Children at West Earlham Infant and Nursery School will be exposed to, and encouraged to use, a range of maths vocabulary and terminology. Children learn best through a variety of experiences (practical, hands-on learning using resources, learning through play, working in their books etc). The impact of this will be that the children develop a secure understanding of the four main operations: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. Each classroom environment has a designated maths area for children to explore to further support the children's love of maths and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.


As a school, we understand the importance of a 'Spiral Curriculum' and therefore aim to revisit prior learning through adult initiated activities, enhancements, or direct teaching. Each maths session in KS1 begins with a 'FlashBack 4' which allows children to look at 4 questions, based on prior learning. In the EYFS, familiar resources and inputs with the adults support  the children in being emerging mathematicians and critical thinkers. This allows the children to make links, connections and begin to make sense of what they are learning.

Problem Solving

The children at West Earlham Infant and Nursery School develop their problem solving skills from as early as our two year olds provision, Conkers. A part of the provision enhancements throughout the school will be based on problem solving in maths. In KS1, most children enter school and are faced with a maths challenge (through environment or written) that they have to solve i.e "if Jo had £1.00 and brought two apples from the shop for 40p, how much change would they get?", and use coins to work this out. A section of our weekly planning is reserved for problem solving maths, and also within the plenaries of maths sessions.

Maths 2023-24 Plans


Science at West Earlham Infant and Nursery School aims to build upon children’s natural fascination with the world in which they live, and excite children’s curiosity to find out more about the phenomena occurring around them. We understand the importance of intrigue and interest in promoting a love for the natural world, and we use this to foster a mutual respect and care for the environment and the responsibility that we all have to care for and look after our world.

Our children's fascination is developed through first hand exploration which fosters curiosity, care, respect, critical reflection, co-operation, problem solving, observation, independent learning, perseverance and open mindedness. We aim to teach our children to think and act as young scientists; carrying out their own experiments, inferring their own conclusions and understanding the relevance of their discoveries to the world in which they live. We believe that Science means exploring, discovering and investigating the world around us and we are committed to providing a stimulating, engaging and challenging learning environment. Our children are supported to develop a sense of awe, wonder and respect for the world around them, whilst using scientific vocabulary and skills to strengthen this understanding.

Across the whole school from Nursery to Year 2, children are encouraged to develop and use a range of scientific skills including: questioning, researching and observing for ourselves.

These skills are fostered and celebrated in a variety of ways, this could be through, although not limited to: explicit adult-directed teaching; visits and visitors, daily routines; child-led continuous provision; reviewing and revisiting learning throughout the school year; consolidation and extension of learning in-the-moment.

Click to download our latest Science policy


Computational Thinking

As part of the new Computing curriculum all children are learning how to create and debug simple algorithms and programs and develop basic computer and robot programming skills. The children will use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs, use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content and to use it all safely and carefully. In Nursery and Reception, children will have access to technology everyday to help them explore and understand the world. In Key Stage One we use 'Switched ON Computing' from Rising Star to deliver the curriculum. In Year 1 children will use programmable toys to solve problems, film their own cookery show, create works of art using drawing apps, create an eBook, make sounds using Scratch Jr and Garage Band and use data to solve clues. In Year 2 children will programme on a screen using Scratch Jr, debug and work out rules for simple computer games, take, select and edit images, safely research a topic, make a stop-motion animation and collect data about minibeasts. Online is taught to children in all year groups throughout the year.

Click here to visit a website that will explain more about this technology and provide fun ways to have a try yourself and support your children in mastering these skills.

Online Safety

Online Safety and awareness of potential online dangers underpins all areas of the curriculum at West Earlham Infant and Nursery School. Children are regularly taught the definition of personal information and the importance of keeping this private from other internet users through websites such as ThinkUKnow or story books such as 'Chicken Clicking' or 'Dot.'. We also actively participate in E-safety Day each February and hold Online Safety Assemblies where the children can share information about keeping safe online with peers. Other useful information can be found on the following websites:

Online Safety Policy October 2023 (review October 2024)


We aim to provide children with exciting and inspiring musical experiences. We understand the importance of providing a wide range of music that will allow our children to dream, be inspired and excited about the world around them. Children experience a wide variety of styles and genres of music across their school life. The children have opportunities to listen, respond, experiment and perform pieces of music and songs through assemblies, plays, visiting and parking in musical productions as well as activities taught through the music curriculum.


Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) and Relationships and Health education (RHE) are taught in lessons called “Circle Time”, building on the Early Learning Goals for personal, social and emotional development within the EYFS. PSHE and RHE are also embedded into other areas of the curriculum and our wider-school approach, which reflects the anchors of keeping children safe, happy and healthy, contributes to pupils’ personal development and provides effective pastoral support.

Through Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE), which incorporates the British Values, children learn about themselves as developing individuals and as members of society. They learn the basic rules and skills for keeping themselves healthy and safe and for behaving appropriately. They are given opportunities to show that they can take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. In addition children also learn about their own and other people's feelings and become aware of the views, needs and rights of other children and other people. Embedded within this, Relationships and Health Education (RHE) is lifelong learning about relationships, emotions, looking after ourselves, different families, self-esteem and looking after our physical and mental health. Children will be provided with accurate information and be able to communicate openly about emotions, bodies and relationships in a safe and secure environment. We aim for children to acquire the appropriate age-related knowledge, develop their skills and form positive beliefs, values and attitudes which will support them to make informed choices and decisions, prepare them for the wider world beyond primary school, and support them to keep themselves safe and healthy.

Art and Design

Children will be taught to use a range of materials creatively to design and make products. They will learn how to use drawing, painting and sculpture to develop and share their ideas, experiences and imagination and to develop a wide range of art and design techniques as well as learning about the work of a range of artists, craft makers and designers. In KS1 the teaching and implementation of the art and design curriculum is supported by using Suffolk County Council’s, Art and Design in Suffolk scheme.

Design and Technology

Through a variety of creative and practical activities children will be taught to design, make and evaluate as well as being taught specific technical knowledge.

Religious Education (RE)

In RE we aim to support children in developing a sense of Religious Literacy which they can apply to the wider world around them. We follow the SACRE Norfolk Agreed Syllabus (2019) which builds on the enquiry - based pedagogy and aims to raise expectations of both teachers and pupils in terms of the study of religion and worldviews. Through varied enquiries, our children develop an understanding of diverse religions and cultures, allowing children to become more inclusive and accepting of others. RE is taught primarily through learning about different religious festivals and teachings in the Christian, Islamic, Sikh, Hindu and Jewish Faiths.


History at West Earlham Infant and Nursery School consists of engaging enquiry-based topics that encourage the children to become mini-historians, and ask questions that help them dig deeper into the history of Great Britain and the wider world. The children will look at changes that have happened in their families lives, as well as being exposed to many significant people, places and events which are sorted into a chronological order.


At West Earlham Infant and Nursery school we believe that Geography helps to provoke and provide answers to questions about the natural and human aspects of the world. The children have many experiences throughout their time at our school to explore new and exciting settings on educational visits, and also learn more about their own environment in West Earlham (the school and the area in which they live), and are equipped with the correct vocabulary to describe and understand these.

Speech and Language

At West Earlham Infant and Nursery school we aim to promote and support the communication of all our children and adults. We integrate sign language (SignAlong) and 'Word Aware' into our daily learning and our speech and language team provide specific intervention where needed, through 1:1 and group therapy sessions. In class, children play games to help improve their attention, memory and listening. Children are assessed termly using the WELLCOMM assessment. This allows us to take a snapshot of the children’s expressive (what they use) and receptive (what they understand) skills. We can then use this information to further support your child in different areas. We identify children that need additional support with their communication and language skills using the NELI program What is Teach Neli?

In our Nursery all children complete Early years 'Talk Boost', to support their language and communication skills. Additional information about speech and language; 


Through Physical Education we aim to:

  • Improve and know what fitness, health and well-bring looks and feels like
  • Promote active learning and lifelong learning to learn well and live well
  • Encourage children to use a ‘Growth Mindset’ approach to challenge themselves in a safe environment to be the best they can be for their stage of development and learning.
  • Reduce Childhood Obesity.

Our  teachers, deliver a curriculum focusing on supporting healthy life choices, including enjoyment of team and individual sports and  participation in a wide range of physical activities.

In the summer term, children in year 2 take part in swimming lessons using the excellent, local facilities at the Sports Park at University of East Anglia. Children learn the skills needed to swim confidently, as well as water safety.

Weekly after-school clubs are available to children in Key Stage 1, where they will have the opportunity to practise a range of skills and further develop their understanding of team games.

Learn Well Live Well

Contact Us.

Head Teacher: Jade Hunter

West Earlham Infant & Nursery School
Scarnell Road, Norwich, NR5 8HT